What Are the Best Roofing Materials for Houston Texas?

Houston roofing

The market of roofing materials is extremely varied, with so many different materials available for your building in Houston, Texas that the best choice is very difficult to make. There are lots of factors to consider before you make the final decision – here are some of the most important ones to have in mind.

The Climate

Houston has a humid subtropical climate, meaning that the city gets four distinct seasons and lots of precipitation, mainly in the form of rain, throughout the year. The city is not located in Tornado Alley, but it gets quite a lot of strong storms and thunderstorms. The region is quite hot as well, with temperatures reaching or even exceeding 100 degrees for long periods between May and September. Winters are usually mild with no or very little snow and with temperatures that rarely drop to below freezing.

The climate features of the region where Houston is located call for roofs that are resistant to excessive moisture, heat and the high winds associated with storms. Some of the best materials for the area in terms of thermal insulation include tiles and metal for sloping roofs and BUR and metal for sloping roofs.


Some roofing materials are more efficient insulators, others will provide the superior thermal protection that you need for your Houston building with the help of more added insulation. Clay and cement tiles provide a great thermal barrier between the building interior and the world outside, certain metal alloys also help you keep the temperatures inside stable, while asphalt shingles and BUR roofs need somewhat thicker insulation to deliver outstanding thermal performance in the scorching heat.

The Durability

The requirement for durability depends entirely on the building owner and also will depend on the building owner’s plans for the building. Here are some details regarding the durability of the most common Houston roofing materials:

  • Asphalt shingles are great materials that can provide protection for your building for about 15-20 years;
  • Metal roofs make strong, durable solutions that can be installed on flat roofs as well as on sloping structures and can be expected to stay on for 50+ years;
  • Built-up roofs – these solutions are suitable for flat roofs and they can last for 15-30 years;
  • Tile roofs – whether made from cement or from clay, tile roofs provide great protection for any building for around a century;
  • Slate roofs – the most durable of them all, slate roofs are made from natural stone and they can stay on for well over a century.

The Costs

Roofing materials are varied in terms of pricing as well. Slate is the most expensive in the line, followed by clay and cement tiles, then metal and with BUR and asphalt shingle roofing being the most affordable materials.

The Design

All available Houston roofing materials are available in a wide range of designs and colors, so aesthetic appeal is not a factor that will significantly limit your choice, whatever material you choose, you will be able to find it in the right color and texture.